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Sleeping Beauty

Charlotte Gastaut

ISBN: 9781849768931
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  • Regular price £19.99

A mortal curse laid upon a baby princess, magic fairies, and true love's first kiss... Will Princess Aurora escape her tragic destiny? This magnificent paper cut-out book plunges us into the enchanting world of the famous ballet, Sleeping Beauty.

Kirsty, our Children's Specialist Bookseller says, 

"Gastaut’s Sleeping Beauty is no ordinary retelling of the classic story we know from fairytales but rather an exquisite reimagining of Tchaikovsky’s ballet, brought dynamically to life upon the page for a wider and more inclusive audience. With her incredible eye for lush colour and intricate pattern, skilful page design and mesmerizing attention to detail – not to mention the dramatic and stunning use of cut-out pages – Gastaut’s retelling immerses the reader into the world of the theatre so fully you can almost hear the orchestra playing. It’s as close to being at the ballet as a book might allow. This is a truly precious and special book which deserves to be gifted, handed down, treasured, and devoured time and time again. Anyone finding this book under the Christmas tree this year will be unwrapping a little bit of magic.”