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Read Your Way

A message to all children for World Book Day...  What way do you read? What makes a good book?Pop in to a bookshop, and come take a look.The shelves are all loaded with stories galore,Some hold up a mirror, some open a door.There's worlds of adventure with villains to fight,Or cosy calm tales to curl up with at night.There's books that are silly, books that are sad,Books that that you'll read with your granny or dad.Books loaded with facts or made up of pictures,Some will inspire, some have you in stitches.Read on the sofa, with warm socks and toast,In a...

The Empathy Reads Collection is here!

Today marks the launch date of the 2025 Empathy Reads - two collections of books for both primary and secondary aged children which have been selected by an expert panel of judges for their empathy building power.  “Empathy is a skill, not a trait. It is learnable” says the judging panel, “without it, children can’t develop the relationships they need to thrive. Society needs to pay much greater attention to the way books develop empathy understanding and skills. Let’s urgently scale our unique UK book-based empathy education movement”. Each book in the collection offers different ways of experiencing, understanding and...

Kibworth Books Partners with Baby Basics

Baby Basics Leicester is a volunteer-based charity aiming to support families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical challenges of looking after a new baby or young child. Kibworth Books are delighted to be partnering with the charity to help them secure much needed book donations for the families they work with. Laura, from the charity, recently paid a visit to the bookshop and - thanks to generous donations from kind customers into our 'Pay It Forward' scheme - we were able to kickstart this new relationship with a donation of £200 worth of board books. Each and...

Pay It Forward - Donate a Gift this Christmas

We're delighted to share news of our new Pay It Forward Community Secret Santa Scheme - a charitable donation project which seeks to raise funds via customer donations to buy a book or gift for someone within the community who may not otherwise be able to afford it.We've teamed up with our great friends at local, award-winning charity The Well to help identify those within the community who might need a bit of extra support this year. Using the funds raised, we'll then select some beautiful books and gifts, ready to be distributed by The Well in time for Christmas.When...

On Why Children's Books Matter

In recent months and weeks where the news has been dominated with headlines about the UK election, our hearts and minds here at Kibworth Books have been uplifted and buoyed by many things – our customers (always, of course), but also by visits from some fabulous Children’s authors during Independent Bookshop Week, and the appointment of the new Children’s Laureate. Both of these things have given us great food for thought as a bookshop team about the value and importance of children’s books and fired up our (already quite fiery) passion for them. Kirsty, our Children’s Specialist Bookseller, reflects on this…

Do children’s books matter? Should we be spending more time reading them, other than to the children in our lives?