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Read Your Way

Read Your Way

A message to all children for World Book Day... 

What way do you read? What makes a good book?
Pop in to a bookshop, and come take a look.
The shelves are all loaded with stories galore,
Some hold up a mirror, some open a door.
There's worlds of adventure with villains to fight,
Or cosy calm tales to curl up with at night.
There's books that are silly, books that are sad,
Books that that you'll read with your granny or dad.
Books loaded with facts or made up of pictures,
Some will inspire, some have you in stitches.
Read on the sofa, with warm socks and toast,
In a garden, or bathtub, wherever suits most.
There's no right way to read, it's all up to you.
It's what makes YOU feel happy - you deserve that much too!
So with World Book Day upon us, to each girl and boy
We're sending you love and the bookiest of joy,
Be brave, bold, unique, and just read your way.
You deserve to be happy, and read every day.
And if you're not sure where to look or to start,
Just follow your instincts, tune into your heart.
There's a book just for you, and it's coming your way,
So read how YOU want, have a happy World Book Day.


Written by Kirsty, our Children's Specialist Bookseller